In India, millions of people suffer from cancer in its various forms such as lung cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer which are a few common forms of the disease. It is estimated that lakhs of new cancer diagnoses are made each year while a similar number of deaths occur in that same time period. Cancer is a difficult disease to live with and its treatments can be expensive. For the underprivileged, treatments such as chemotherapy cost more than these families are able to afford. Thus, people often succumb to the disease due to a lack of finances.
What is cancer and what are its causes?
Cancer is a disease in which cells in one part of the body grow and spread to other parts of the body in an uncontrollable manner. In the human body, abnormal or damaged cells die but in some cases, these cells continue to grow and multiply and this causes tumors which can be cancerous. Forms of cancer can start anywhere in the human body. It is difficult to point to one blanket cause for cancer and the causes are a combination of factors that include genetics, exposure to harmful carcinogens and even habits and behaviors such as smoking.
What is World Cancer Day?
World Cancer Day is a global movement that aims to raise awareness about cancer, make treatment available to all people and encourage research into finding a cure. Each February 4th, individuals and organizations around the world come together to shine the light on cancer and all that is needed to ensure people have access to the information, resources and treatment to help them in their battle with the disease. This 2025, the theme for World Cancer Day is United by Unique which highlights how the disease affects each person in a different manner and to a different degree.
This is true for individuals as well as communities. In India, as with other parts of the world, different communities experience diseases such as cancer in different ways. For the most disadvantaged communities, cancer is a mysterious disease that most people succumb to without even knowing that it affected them in the first place. For others, the lack of access to a clinic or hospital means there are no opportunities for cancer detection. For others still, the cost of treatment is too much to bear and many people choose to give up and “hope for the best” due to a lack of finances.
How do NGOs make progress in the area of cancer care?
NGOs across India are each specialized in specific areas of cancer care for the millions of Indians who suffer from the disease. These approaches include cancer awareness, cancer prevention, early detection of cancers, medical treatment, palliative care and research into causes and cures for cancer. These 5 cancer care NGOs focus on providing care to the most underprivileged communities and help low-income individuals and families access the resources, treatment and medical professionals needed to help them fight and overcome the disease:
There are multiple approaches that NGOs take to reduce the rate of cancer and help people battle the disease, from prevention methods to palliative care. Give Discover highlights these organizations and the progress made toward helping people in their battles against cancer - which you can discover this World Cancer Day.